Tuesday, January 13, 2009

alchemist pharmacy @ AS220

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
10 pm
People of Color, Alchemist Pharmacy, and Riff Parade
Homecoming show for People Of Color who are back from tour!!! Come welcome them back to town!

Riff Parade creates music for the sale of music, and that means it must be made right there on the spot live with whatever means we have and then never be played the same way again.


Art Official Prophets said...

hell yeah son, it's going to be crazy......do it live!

peace_frog said...

so proud

themanwiththeplan said...

Yeah, I've only heard of that cvs pharmacy band and they kind of suck. To be honest I didn't even know people really still did the whole jam band thing. I thought when Jerry died that whole "movement" went along with him.

Art Official Prophets said...

i'm gonna try my very bestest to be there!
madd love
