Friday, March 13, 2009

Short Story From Sophomore Year O College

It was the first morning after the first night and the air was neither thick nor thin; it just was as everything else was for the very first time. Nothing opened its eyes and nothing stirred while everything was beginning every minute of every day since day one. Because everything began to begin things naturally began to end and then more things began still, much like morning and night, everyday. Cold turned warm and cold again while the ocean waved and sighed in the light from the moon and then the sun. There were sounds, there was light, there was sensation; and so everything widened its eyes to see but wondered nothing. There was beauty and simplicity but this was not enough. Boredom was born causing everything to move about; setting them apart. Animals saw people, people saw land, people saw each other, and some say God saw everything. Some saw God reciprocally and some did not, however, everyone saw things differently.

Things were given to some and from others taken but always in the end of everything there was nothing, to make things even. People witnessed this and so patterns emerged and consequences were drawn until ideas infected the cognition of everyone. Ideas were passed and preached down the line and soon they were everywhere. People began to think more and more; of each other, of themselves, of the world, of anything and nothing until their heads began to grow like everything else had on the first day for the very first time. As with the growth of everything, people became awed and enamored. By this new love people were blinded, in the light of the sun and then the moon. Some became limited and their eyes were manipulated by their brains to filter what they saw. Everybody was always right in this sense, though everyone secretly felt wrong; thus insecurities were born and given life. This new life followed on as all life had since the first. It grew wildly and a new array of needs emerged to appease such inclinations. People sought trust and understanding and ultimately their own bodies were not enough to keep themselves appeased. They began to need other people with other bodies and minds to create this happiness for them.

People laid together and created happiness until they could know nothing else. Such beauty and simplicity could not be enough and again they moved about, bumping and stumbling all night, and then all morning. Ultimately these other bodies were not sufficient and they were no longer pleased. Boredom bred restlessness and together they began creating stories and weaving webs. This kept them all very busy and time passed quickly in comparison. People grew complacent as they waved and sighed in the light of the sun and then the moon.

Complacency was passed from one to another and so on down the line until it infected the cognition of everybody. People became tired of what they knew and grew hungry; they hungered for what they did not know and could not know and began to despise their brains for manipulating them and making them limited. They gathered an array of poisons from the earth and like all new things, this, too, was passed on and on until everyone was infected. Their eyes grew wide and their filters weak until they could see everything in its beauty and simplicity as they had on the very first day after the very first night. There were sounds, there was light, there was sensation. Everyone, wide eyed, wondered nothing and basked in this until it ended as quickly as it had so begun. There was love and there were needs and always there were insecurities. This was not troublesome because there was no margin for boredom; they asked new questions, found new answers, and continued to lie together creating happiness. As they had depended upon the power of people, they depended upon the power of poisons; this kept them all very busy and they talked endlessly while time passed quickly in comparison.

Time had always passed in this way and like everything on the very first day it began to begin and end constantly. People witnessed how things came and went and consequences were drawn until they realized that they, too, were limited. They sought meaning and created it where none could easily be found. In their dependency they became indebted to one another. This bond took life and grew like all living things born since the beginning. This was also called love because it awed and enamored them. People nursed and pleased one another until this was not enough and so they made love tangible. Together they laid in coition creating pure happiness; beautiful and simple. People were appeased and distracted and so they were indebted, too, to the happiness they had manifested. They held it close and caressed it until they, like all things that would live after them, naturally began to end. Behind them they left their happiness to grow naturally and wildly, against the fate of every tomorrow.

It was the first morning after the last night and the air was neither thick nor thin; it just was, as everything else was for the very first time.


Art Official Prophets said...

Hey Traci that was really great. I enjoyed it a lot, it reminded me of creation stories from tribal cultures. I liked how you balanced everything to show duality of emotions and creations. Also how you came back to the opening lines for the end to illustrate the theme you explored through out. Maybe this is the cynic in me but I'd like to see how this culture failed haha, see where they went wrong like we inevitably did. Though it's nice for the optimism in it.It seems Utopian in a way but I'd like that Utopian aspect to highlight whats wrong with out culture at large. Just food for thought if you ever wanted to revisit this piece. It also reminded me of a poem I wrote and inspired me to post it. Watch for it.



peace_frog said...

ya i hear that. i dont necessarily mean for it to be positive or negative. i think in one aspect the repetitive nature of it points out how meaningless it all is. it's one thing after another until it is no more. the simplicity can be taken two ways; i think the reader brings the mood to it depending on how they see life. This story highlights the "what is this all for feeling" we have time and again. i liked that part of it which is why i decided not to go a concrete way with it positive or negative. You can see this life as pointless and meaningless or you can see it as beautiful and simple moments. I agree with the utopian feeling, i think that also is influenced by the simple structure of it all. Considering what you said, It might be cool to make other versions similar to this in a sort of collection each attacking a different theme. Then some of the more cynical things could come through in difference ways. i'm glad you liked it and spotted the allusion to tribal creationism ,that definitely has influenced me as well as a few contemporary and classic writers. Its kind of my own creation story and a social criticism of religions as stories and opiates. We should talk more about this in person sometime as you know there's a lot that goes into a written story i'd like to hear your view on the ideas that were behind it.

ill hit up your poem in a minute ,looking forward to it.