Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I just listened to the new Cold War Kids album and it made me puke
Music just ain't like it used to be.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Xmas Cheer
Seems as though the government is expecting the shit to truly hit the fan over the next few years and is bracing themselves for a violent and angry response from the public. At least the government has some faith in the American citizen's and their willingness to protest and revolt on a mass scale, I certainly don't have much faith in the overfed public.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
little intermission
with some amateur scratching off the infamous lp.
usin and abusin.
check it out
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This was the same night alchemist pharmacy played the firehouse, so a lot of heads didn't get to see this in real life, but I can tell you it was every bit as epic as it looks.

It Feels So Unnatural: Peter Gabriel w/ Hot Chip
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I crave.
If I don't get rye whiskey take me to my grave.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dumb mean on drum machines
Exile "Milli" Video from Jonathan Kim on Vimeo.
Pretty ridiculous video of Exile messing with the "A Millie" beat from Lil' Wayne. Amazingly he can turn it into something that's not obnoxious. Video is a must for anyone who enjoy's life and the dope things that come along with it, like seeing video's ripped from nahright.
-Thizzle Televizzle
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Welcome to the Ghost Parade
run and run from the wolves, but they catch me
eyes wide,
teeth bared,
like a witchy woman ready to vex me
and the snow and the rain when they mix
breathe an icey cold sermon
softly down my neck
despite all the times that i cry for my justice
across all the black rivers that we wade
like melted wax flows dripping off a platter,
the water puddles into words on a page
lost souls fly through the mist in an instant
and rise off the ripples, still far from existence
with persistence they say
all hands now
hold the handle,
dig the hole deeper with the golden spade,
till you're old and gray,
and you fall in what you made and the hole's your grave
and you're never coming back, hope you enjoyed your stay
nothing but sunny days
baby, welcome to the ghost parade
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Interesting article about the copy write clearing process and Girl Talk:
A Day in the Life - Handsome Boy Modeling School (feat. The RZA and The Mars Volta)
the title says it all....Cedrics hook the hook
Monday, December 15, 2008
also, higher quality would be better.... i downloaded it from myspace but i can't effectively remix it without the individual tracks.
hit me back
Top 100 Best Tracks of 2008...maybe
Bush dodges shoe
Bush looks like he gives daps to that dude "iight peace dood"
it looks like Bush is kinda smiling after the shoe gets thrown him and thinking "yeah, alright buddy, almost, i'm just too fast for ya bitch, lets see you threw that other one shithead"
and secondly, Bush got shoes thrown at him, how great is that, i mean C'mon, the guy can't even get a good assassination attempt, just shoes flung at him from across the room... classic
Sunday, December 14, 2008
so if anyone has a google account, or if any of you followers (IE paulmed, traci, mdizzle, dave.d) want to be able to post without logging into art official, comment me back with your email.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
when the music hits we feel no pain at all.
12/19/08.......AZ......harpers ferry......................???
1/19/09..........fucked up......mid east club.........$12
1/24/09..........collie budz.....paradise.................???
1/30/09..........andrew bird..orpheum theater.......$25
2/7/09............murder by death......mid east..........$14
2/13/09...........los campesinos....paradise..........???
2/18/09...........m.ward......somerville theater.....$20
2/21/09...........state radio.....lupos.......................$20
2/24/09...........thievery of blues.....???
2/24/09...........tapes n tapes....paradise................???
2/26/09...........blacklisted/coliseum.....great scott.............$10
2/27/09...........slik rick.......harpers ferry.............???
PS......electro (git@me)
wednesday 17th - gimme goosebumps PROV (morgan louis / micah jackson)
thursday 18th - make it new (cambridge)
friday 19th - red foxxx (cambridge)
- sweat @ the estate (boston) [last one everrrr]
saturday 20th - paper! providence
tuesday 23rd -<3eart throb (cambridge)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Who is craig and what's his list?
SOMETHING KIND OF FUNNY OF THE DAY: As I sat bored in my empty apartment, it was when I could not take anymore channel scrolling until I decided to pick up my moleskine. My eyes looked over drunken scribbles pretending to be poetry and I found this account of when I had a few too many glasses of water(haha water) and had to urinate off a closed down car on a speeding train to Boston. Not to mention this was a few stops before Back Bay so I had to make my sorry way back to my seat. True story.
"At 8:35pm I couldn't take it anymore and snuck to an empty car, opened the door, and pissed off of a speeding train minutes before it pulled into the next stop. There's no rush like that. My hair was a mess from the hurried wind blowing by me and I did my best to fix it but still felt the many eyes on the train shine through me."
Yours Truly,
Mount Struggle Tour Guide J.P.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
For all you beatmakers
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
To all you rhymesayers...
Make your voice be heard.
Check them out
Monday, December 8, 2008
Skeleton Songbird
News from the Vinyl Frontier
I make up a third of a band called FORMAL ACTION. Hopefully the other 2 misguided minstrels will get some shit up on here soon too. We've been doing it for a while (me and OG slee going on four years) But as of late shit has been shaping up. We began recording a full length album last May down here at our home in Narragansett. I finished it up over the course of the summer, and 1000 copies of it are currently being pressed to vinyl in Nashville, TN, a strange and awesome turn of events thanks in huge part to Paul Med, and most of all Rob Duguay, both of whom I have been working with to piece together the humble beginnings of an artistically responsible business dubbed Mooseproof Records.
With the records finally due to arrive in about a week, I thought it would be cool to share where it came from and where it's headed...
The 7 songs on it are the culmination of about 2 years of thoughts, feelings, loves, hates, joys, and struggles shot from 3 individual minds. Fragmented through the mesh-like filters that are our bodies, instruments, and electric currents they reached the atmosphere as a massive moving cloud of soft and warm thought-fuzz, where instantaneously, these infinite parts became a whole. The once separate and intangible, in that same instant become a single unified force, every bit as tangible and alive with its own unique energy as is a caterpillar or a gull. Or the earth itself.
(In other words we set up our instruments around the house with a bunch of microphones and played the songs.) Live. Some of them for the first time in the form you hear them. Since where we lived over the year that bred much of the music had such a profound effect on it, we liked the idea of capturing the vibe of our home (just like it sounded at 4am on new years) on the album. It's interesting to keep in mind when listening to it that the surrounding space plays as big a role as the notes themselves.
After a couple of days of this, we had all the material we needed. We all moved back home for the summer, and I got right into recording guitar overdubs on all of the songs in my parents' basement in Pawtucket. Then I recorded all the vocals at the home of my lovely girlfriend Brittany, and my (slightly less lovely, but incredible) younger brother Mike (Tapestries, Milo). If you listen carefully you can hear him sing backups on a couple of tracks along with his amazing bandmate and friend, Robin. At this point it's also necessary to graciously thank Brittany for making this entire thing possible by letting me use her (equally lovely) mac to do all the postproduction work while my pc lie in bed in a puddle of its own diarrhea.
Once all the tracking was done, I devised a ridiculously complex system which allowed me do the vast majority of the processing using outboard analog effects (spaaaace echo echo echo). So, I went through each track and individually re-recorded them through the outboard fx. I tweaked and finalized the mix, came up with about 19 different masters, and finally settled on one, which I desparately hoped would survive the leap to vinyl intact. It did, and it sounds great. During this time, our good friend Joe Gendron whipped up the awesome jacket art. Major props to him. It looks awesome and I can't wait to finally see 1000 of them in print. It was painted on a 12x24" canvas using spray cans, acrylic, and paint pens.
peep it. (The back is far more ridiculous, but i don't feel like getting it up here)

They will cost only $10 and include a 12" vinyl record AND a free download of the entire album on high quality MP3 ("but I don't have a turntable"). They will be available directly through us, at our shows, on our myspace, and at select Newbury comics locations.
We all are really satisfied with the finished product and feel it is truly a representation of our lives. That's how it earned the name "Life on the Rocks". Its a reference to the human role we play as part of the greater moss on the rocks in this pond of a planet, the struggle we all know that life to be, and literally our life on the rocks overlooking narragansett bay. All of which is captured in these 7 jams. We've got big plans for the future including a 25 city coast to coast tour this july. what.
You can listen to some songs off the album on our
And since this post is already ridculously long, I'll refrain from posting all the lyrics to the album, but if you like, you can read them right here.
If you actually made it this far, thanks for reading all that. Let me know what you think.
This is not real.
but when you see it come around again...

you know what to do ;)
peace and love
A Few of My Favorite Things
The voice of fish sleeping
The voice of dead birds
The voice of snow melting
The voice of water burning
All of these things
lower my eyelids
to die with the sun
The voice of the past
Oh, how I want
Oh, how I want
Bees in the ground stinging seeds to be born
Lungs in the bath, underwater
Air in a jar holding my breath
-jon paul
Back in the jobhunt
yours mothah' fuckin' truly,
jon paul rebello
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
House in my head, blueprints never finished
She said to me, “you’re a sweetheart.”
Such commentary brought to mind the epitome of my being:
an admittance of the name given to me at birth,
and the other quite fortunate characteristics
that make up my tissue and spirit
a wandering mind, spine and sensory
a house in my head, blueprints never finished
A man and a heart,
sometimes a voice —what a sad sad sad sad miserable fed-up excuse
for a twenty-two year old apparition.
What a life I lead in the breeze scrambled shade
What a life I lead in your eyes of no fire
What a life I lead in you car driving nowhere again
the conduit
the alleyway
the shadow
the path;
the bed,
the bench,
the grave.
Yet, nobody seems to recognize it—
It’s the misery that comes with being an earthbound ghost.
It’s the melancholy that comes with the blue pen touching blue paper.
I will still rummage around the rubbish
of a crooked world, upside down
for memories of a sinking ship.
-jon paul
Thursday, December 4, 2008
providence boys cover sean kingston
yours truly- the most recent random layoff at cuban revolution,
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Winter Sucks
Winter rears it familiar face
Sending chills as its messenger
Long nights are soon to come
Blues are follow close behind
like drunks walking into a bar at last call
Why can't you let it go?
What keeps you so stagnant and unchanging?
What is to come?
Weather has no answer
Only itself
Though, for now it matters not
Warmth in any form is now the means of concern
But on hand is a old blanket, tattered with holes
Seemingly comforting and calming
Yet provides nothing but false security and human construct
Would the summer prove any truth?
Only a warm distraction
A distraction that I welcome with open arms
Poems For Television
Poems For Television
the snowman
Short Films
-Paul MED