Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush dodges shoe

Bush looks like he gives daps to that dude "iight peace dood"

it looks like Bush is kinda smiling after the shoe gets thrown him and thinking "yeah, alright buddy, almost, i'm just too fast for ya bitch, lets see you threw that other one shithead"

and secondly, Bush got shoes thrown at him, how great is that, i mean C'mon, the guy can't even get a good assassination attempt, just shoes flung at him from across the room... classic



Art Official Prophets said...

haha, "who throws a show" (c) austn powers

- K- Thack

dr said...

this guy i work with who was in the war was saying that in iraq putting your foot up on a table is extremely disrespectful. so throwing shoes is one of the ungodliest things you can possibly do.

dude hates bush