Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poems For Television

Here are two poems that I wrote that I would like to try and put in a collection of writings called "Poems for Television" this would hopefully be set next to the works of others as well. 
- Kyle

The first one is titled "Coins," the second is below this post.


Walk out into the yard
        The grass is growing high
Its hopes far surpass mine
Its ambitions are realized as it reaches
Up and Up and Up!

I've lost something along the way
Stitched Garments break and part
My pockets open their big mouths again
Coins spill and scatter

Some clatter and fall to their side
End of a life!

Others have ideas of their own
They roll along,
Roll along, just roll along!

You can't predict the path of a rolling coin
It weaves as it goes, dodging air and space
It's a beautiful thing to watch
I could stare at rolling coins all day
And envy their life in motion

1 comment:

Art Official Prophets said...

One word: Solid.
Another word: Ginsberg-esque.