Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dumb mean on drum machines

Exile "Milli" Video from Jonathan Kim on Vimeo.

Pretty ridiculous video of Exile messing with the "A Millie" beat from Lil' Wayne. Amazingly he can turn it into something that's not obnoxious. Video is a must for anyone who enjoy's life and the dope things that come along with it, like seeing video's ripped from nahright.

-Thizzle Televizzle

1 comment:

pmed87 said...

yo i want one of those so bad haha ever since i saw linkin park use one live back in 8th grade well not live live on tv
it threw me off cuz i had never known drum pads existed i was expecting a dude to bust out a piano and that Asian dude starts playing buttons, i was like what the fuck

but this is crazy watching him hit all those buttons and then hittin the beat ... the bee knees