Monday, January 26, 2009

Taddy Porter

so sam smith was having some problems with his computer last year and for safety he put his pictures from Italy on my comp. i was mad bored yesterday and was cleaning out bullshit files off my comp when i came across Sam's pic's and i was like oo shit, ive never even looked at these before. So im looking through some of them(there were hundreds so i was just browseing) and i found this one folder labeled Still Framed Movies. So i click on it and its mad pictures of Ol' Smith doing assorted facial expressions, which i found hilarious so i decided to put them together as a movie for him


Roz said...


Art Official Prophets said...

this is amazing. Made me LOLLOLOL.


peace_frog said...


excellent song choice

and of course props to sam for his facial expressiveness