Thursday, February 26, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

For those of you who know me well know that i love conspiracies be it about ufo's and aliens or some weird-ass cult or about the government fucking over the people whatever, but i of course watch and read these conspiracies with a grain of salt because most of it is bullshit...but i eat it up. anyway, my point of this post is for the people who have not yet seen Zeitgeist. it's a real eye-opening film, it talks about Christian religion, 9/11, and the banking industry and how currupt they all are.
its really interseting and worth watching.


for the people who have seen Zeitgeist,
they made a new one - Zeitgeist: Addendum. This movie talks more about the monetary system as a whole and the Federal Reserve and how it is it's own organization that buys gov bonds from America in exchange for money and debt. it will blow your mind, but like i said i eat this shit for breakfast so watch it with the "skeptical" mindset because who knows whats real and whats not these leaning more towards the conspiracies but thats just me. so if you got 2 hours to kill i highly highly highly recomomend both of these films

Zeitgeist: Addendum


Art Official Prophets said...

definitely need to check out zeitgeist after hearing so much about it for so long. good post pmed.


sootheseyer said...

yeah they are both pretty heavy