Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix Does Bob Dylan Impression On Letterman

Joaquin Phoenix borrows Ginsberg's beard and Dylan's glasses to and puts on a pretty funny performance on Letterman. Not sure what to make of it. I enjoyed it though.


dr said...

i just dont see why he would ever want to go on the show in the first place. and i definitely can't picture him rapping, to say the least.

Art Official Prophets said...

He probably didn't have much of a choice, if he's promoting a movie its probably a contractual agreement to do the whole press circuit thing. Who knows what he's doing, I have a hard time believing that this wasn't some sort of bizarre performance.


dr said...

true. still gotta love the awkward nature of the entire interview haha

pmed87 said...

oo shit i saw this live last nite

peace_frog said...

this is so incredibly uncomfortable.

if he's not acting then he's kind of a dick.

I don't get why he even went on the show . . .

Roz said...

seriously. if this wasn't some kinda weird joke, he sucks some major ass. makes for good tv tho. we're talking about it anyway.

themanwiththeplan said...


pharmacueticals said...

The whole thing seems like some sort of Zach Galifianakis bit... except he's actually serious? Either way its good publicity.