Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wordz UP!

Shuffle through a parking lot
Like a wilted shadow

Head sagging to hush
The severing wails
Of a cross wind

A cause to coil up
Like spare twine round spindle

There is a bush
Its branches
Folded up like a cornered body

Limbs bent back towards
Something like protection


This submission betrays
Its initial pluck

Of poking through
A blackened
Snow bank

That traversing wind cuts again
Pulling rigid on a leaf
Drawn up as if on a wire

look up

A tree –

Its parts set in disagreement

Its top full
Dense globe of leaves sits
Over skinny lamp post of oak

Trunk a fragile spine
At odds with its full plumage

Grown crooked
Runt of littered seed

My neck crook’d
Head full of thoughts

“Never mind a tree
That blooms full in February”



Art Official Prophets said...
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Art Official Prophets said...

you have such a way with words my dude.
'folded up like a cornered body' and 'a cause to coil up like spare twine round spindle'. it just sounds beautiful.
what inspired you to write this?
i couldn't help but feel that my 'parts' are often "set in disagreement.
lovely words dude, impelling stuff.


Art Official Prophets said...

Thank you for your kind words roz. This came from actually seeing a bush poking through a snow bank in a parking lot and i thought it was so strange to see the branch of a green bush sticking out through the snow while everything around it was dead and bare, so it came out of that duality of real life images that are set next to seemingly opposite things. Thank you for the encouragement.