Monday, March 2, 2009

Eat It Up

Interesting vids about chemical additives and their appalling effects on brain chemistry.

all you vegan/vegetarian heads keep an eye on your soy products

ASPARTAME for all you diet coke fans

The incontrovertible fact is: The American Dental Association, National Sanitation Foundation, American Water Works Association, National Research Council, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advocate and promote the dump-ing of an unregulated toxic waste by-product (industrial grade hydrofluosilicic acid) into municipal water supplies under the guise of a beneficial public health project.


dr said...

Hate to toot their horn but if you buy soy stuff from whole foods you'll never have to worry about msg...

sootheseyer said...

no that is true and good to keep in mind

if you go to price rite though, you can buy straight msg by the large shaker bottle

(then add it to your organic soy products in generous amounts)

which i highly recommend.