Monday, February 2, 2009

Yet Another Obstacle for Clean Energy,2933,475507,00.html

Gist: Oregon, among other states (possibly even rhode island!), is getting turned onto taxing people by mileage rather than gasoline. How you ask? By installing GPS systems in new hybrids to track peoples driving. This will show when people leave the state, where they've been, and what times they were driving. This system will communicate with then pump when you refuel and charge you accordingly.

I'm always suspect of conspiracy theories and to me this seems like an idea the oil companies might support for a few good reasons. These aren't being installed in old gas guzzlers; only the new, effiecient, environmentally friendly, and non oil dependent ones. This threat on drivers privacy could stand to turn people off from using alternative energy.

I would not want to play the oil company in monopoly.

-- t cost


pmed87 said...

son of a bitch, its always something. their taking away our privacy slowly but surely and discreetly. soon we wont be able to do anything or go any where with out the almighty GOV watching over us

i wouldnt want to play them in clue--colonel mustard was tracked as he drove to home depot and bought a lead pipe and then his internet was hacked, questions were found on google search bar "how to kill a person properly with a blunt object lol

peace_frog said...

hahah, basically i don't play with them at all anymore.

i wonder what else they'll sneak a GPS into . . .

Art Official Prophets said...
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Art Official Prophets said...

Strange almost surreal aspect to that. I don't think it will be put into affect on a national level (hopefully) but governments been known to disappoint. Haha "how to kill a person properly with a blunt object." The only game I would play the oil company in is "Daniel Day Lewis's Super-Fun Time for Milkshakes and Oil and Bowling Party Hatz" on xbox 360 and also the board game and pog set.